A Guide to Multi-Level Expense Claim Workflow Efficiency

Navigating expense claims efficiently and securely is important for any organization’s financial health and operational integrity. Having a good expense claim approval system in place ensures transparency, compliance, and accountability within companies. 

What Is Multi-Level Expense Claim Approval?

Multi-level claim approval refers to a process where a claim, such as an expense reimbursement, invoice payment, or request for funds, undergoes review and approval by multiple levels of authority within an organization before it is authorized for payment or processing.

In What Situation Will A Company Require Multi-Level Claim Approval?

A company might require multi-level claim approval in various situations, particularly in larger organisations or those with complex processes.

Here are some common scenarios that require multi-level expense claim approval:

Financial Controls

Claims involving significant amounts of money often require multi-level approval to ensure proper financial oversight and control. This could include expense reimbursements, capital expenditures, or budget allocations.

Compliance and Regulations

Certain industries are subject to strict regulations regarding expenses, such as healthcare, finance, or government contracting. Multi-level approval ensures compliance with these regulations and reduces the risk of fraud or misuse of funds.

Risk Management

Claims that involve potential risks or liabilities to the company may require additional scrutiny and approval from multiple levels of management to mitigate those risks effectively.

Complex Projects

Projects that span multiple departments or involve cross-functional teams may require multi-level approval to ensure alignment with organizational objectives and coordination among stakeholders.

High-Value Transactions

Transactions with high monetary value, such as contracts, acquisitions, or investments, often require approval from senior management or the board of directors to ensure they align with the company’s strategic goals.

Conflict of Interest

Claims involving potential conflicts of interest, such as transactions with related parties or vendors, may require approval from independent decision-makers to ensure fairness and transparency.

Exceptional Cases

Certain claims may fall outside standard operating procedures or exceed delegated authority limits, requiring approval from higher levels of management or specialized committees.

By implementing multi-level claim approval processes, companies can enhance transparency, accountability, and risk management while ensuring compliance with internal policies and external regulations.

How Does An eClaim Multi-level Workflow Work?

Multi-level claim approval processes are designed to provide checks and balances within an organization, ensuring that expenses are legitimate, compliant with policies and regulations, and aligned with the company’s objectives. They help prevent errors, fraud, and misuse of funds while promoting transparency, accountability, and sound financial management.

In the OpensoftHR  Expense Claim Platform, Once the claim is submitted, it is routed to the respective manager for approval. With our multi-level approvals feature, organizations can configure the workflow to require approval from multiple levels of management. This ensures that expenses are scrutinized and authorized by the appropriate personnel before further processing.

Summary Of What OpensoftHR’s Multi-level Expense Claim Workflow Consists Of:

1. Expense Claim Submission Stage

The individual or department submitting the claim initiates the process by providing necessary documentation and details regarding the claim, such as receipts, invoices, or supporting documents.

2. First-Level Expense Claim Approval

The claim first goes through an initial review and approval by a designated authority, often a supervisor or manager directly responsible for the department or individual submitting the claim. This approval ensures that the claim complies with company policies, procedures, and budgetary constraints.

3. Second-Level Expense Claim Approval

If the claim exceeds certain thresholds or requires additional scrutiny, it may then be forwarded to a higher level of authority for further review and approval. This could be a department head, finance manager, or another designated approver with greater authority.

Integration with Payroll

Once the claim has received all necessary approvals, it is processed for payment or further action according to the organization’s procedures. This may involve disbursing funds, recording expenses, or fulfilling the requested transaction.


If you want your organization to have a robust expense claim solution that elevates transparency, accountability and financial management, you should strongly consider implementing multi-level expense claim approval. With a proper multi-level expense claim approval process in place, expense reimbursements, invoice payments, or fund requests are subjected to scrutiny across various levels of authority. This helps organizations can mitigate risks, prevent fraud, and align expenditures with strategic objectives.

At OpensoftHR, we have a comprehensive Expense Claim Multi-Level Workflow in place that you can easily configure and utilise for your company’s Expense Claims needs. Reach out to us to have a non-obligatory demo on how our Expense Claims Software as well as other OpensoftHR Modules  can benefit your company.